Sophmore year in review

This year has been a long and crazy one. COVID split our year in two, with masks and vaccines being the normal, but now finally 2 years later, we are starting to feel normal again. However, many things have happened this year, I learned and struggled. I intended to go over everything in this blog,Continue reading “Sophmore year in review”

Top 3 ugliest Cars

Ever since the development of cars, the technology and designs have changed, but sometimes ideas are too far. In order to develop new ideas, they go the extreme. In this blog, I will explain, in my opinion, the ugliest 3 cars made in the recent past. Number 3-Kia Soul The Kia Soul isn’t terrible, butContinue reading “Top 3 ugliest Cars”

The Boys and Lovely Ladies Syndicate

~As we have gone trough this year, I have shown many aspects of my friends and how they interact with each other. However, there has yet to be a formal introduction to them all. I think it is the adequate time to fill that gap in information. The Men Most of the People here IContinue reading “The Boys and Lovely Ladies Syndicate”

Making Memes of our Friend Group

Our Friend group, known to many as BALLS, is quite a strange one. We are one of the largest group of friends in the school, but we are also known as some of the weirdest. Our strange humor can be seen as confusing too many outside the friend group. However, we have three topics thatContinue reading “Making Memes of our Friend Group”

Victor and Andreas, Part 2, The Story Develops

At the end of our last installment, we mentioned Victor and Andreas’s overwhelming similarities. In the time between this blog and the prior one, more information has come about. Their bickering has come to almost a complete halt, and they are now closer than ever. This abrupt lack of argumentation plants a seed of doubtContinue reading “Victor and Andreas, Part 2, The Story Develops”

Victor and Andreas: Are they the same person?

Víctor Nasciemento and Andreas Roumieltous, two opposing people. At first glance, they are nothing alike in any way. They don’t get along too well, always arguing about trivial things. However, the more you analyze their arguments and logic, the more they are the same. In this video, we see Victor and Andreas physical interactions. MostContinue reading “Victor and Andreas: Are they the same person?”

Chernobyl and its effects

Why Chernobyl’s effects were the reason our world has safer nuclear energy Chernobyl is known for how the disaster affected millions across the world. We have learned about how pushing off an issue never will help you to make things better. However, reflecting on painful events is how you learn. The damage caused allowed newContinue reading “Chernobyl and its effects”

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