Top 3 ugliest Cars

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Ever since the development of cars, the technology and designs have changed, but sometimes ideas are too far. In order to develop new ideas, they go the extreme. In this blog, I will explain, in my opinion, the ugliest 3 cars made in the recent past.

Number 3-Kia Soul

The Kia Soul isn’t terrible, but way to boxy. The newer ones are much better, but its far from preferred. With its I4 engine, making 147 WHP, its not exactly quick either. Like I said, its still a car that run and get from A to B.

Number 2-Nissan Juke

Pumping 188 WHP, the Nissan Juke is a wacky looking car. The headlights are the weirdest part, with the strange combination of the top and bottom lights and the grill. The overall car design is very extra. This makes it number 2 on the list. Another fun fact is Matheus, in your 4th period history class, drives one of these! he calls it the BBBJ, or Triple B-J.

Number 1-Nissan Cube

As the second Nissan on the list, this car is the ugliest car by far. With the 1.4L I4 engine, its speed is relatively ok, although on the slow side, it works. However, the looks are the pinnacle of the Industrial revolution and its consequences. This makes the Kia Soul look like the brand new Lamborghini. There’s no more explanation needed on how this car takes number one.

Cars are expensive, and for many buying a car is their first step towards true independence. However, as I sit here and type this I cant understand why anyone would with their hard earned money buy any of these, However, to each their own.

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