Sophmore year in review

This year has been a long and crazy one. COVID split our year in two, with masks and vaccines being the normal, but now finally 2 years later, we are starting to feel normal again. However, many things have happened this year, I learned and struggled. I intended to go over everything in this blog,

In the beginning, it felt simple. Work and exams we easy enough, and it was flying by. However, once January hit it all went interesting. Everyone was getting COVID and a developments in my friends made it even harder. However, We got by. February break rolls around and were all doing good.

I get COVID for the second time within 1 month. I lose all motivation and it’s hard to lay attention. Family developments make this even harder. My grades suffer due to these. Then, March rolled around. Maybe it could get better, you never know.

I start seeing demons in my sleep, can’t have one peaceful month. It takes a while for this to stop, which was caused from a caffeine overload. I couldn’t sleep and missed 10~ish days of school. My grades dropped and it was bad. With 4th quarter rolling around, I wanted to finish strong.

This quarter I’ve been doing good. Nothing major that affects my school, and I did really well on all my AP exams. I hope it stays this good, and I can finish with grades I am happy with.

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